Ok, so it's not the Susan B. Komen 3-Day walk but it was still a whole lot of fun. About 170 teams totaling 2,500 people walk for 24-hours, this year they raised $350,000. Greg, Skyler and I camped out with our good friends The Crowley's and walked as much as we could Friday and Saturday (in between eating, chatting, gossip
ing, a bit of shopping at the booths, etc). I vow to get serious next year, I'm embarrassed to say how little I walked (only 12 miles, yawn...). Next year I will try to do 20. Skyler made a "lumineria" in honor of Grandma J, she wrote a heartfelt peom for her and burned a candle all night. I don't usually get choked up at these things but sometimes I'll see a young child in a purple shirt (cancer survivors) and that just makes my gut hurt. I don't know why it doesn't bother my that I have it, I mean I don't like it but I'd gladly take it over a child getting it. ugh, makes me sick. Greg and I together have 5-time treatment status, just sick. oh well. Guess you have to pick your struggle. If it's not cancer, it's something else right?